
2019年11月17日 星期日

[ 軟體問題 ] 我的電腦Win10常常睡眠狀態自己開機又關閉,如何解決? (windows 10, mouse)

Q: 我的電腦Win10常常睡眠狀態自己開機又關閉,如何解決?

Solved :

Solution 3 – Disable your mouse (or keyboard) from waking up your PC using Command Prompt

1. Press Windows Key + X and select Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu.

2.Once Command Prompt opens, enter the following:
powercfg -devicequery wake_armed

3. You should see the list of all devices that are allowed to wake up your computer. Enter powercfg -devicedisablewake “device name” into Command Prompt to stop a device from waking up your PC. Remember to replace “device name” with a name of the actual device. It’s also important to keep the quotation marks, so do not delete them.()
(輸入以上指令,停止裝置喚醒, 需在device name 取代為 步驟二列出的裝置名稱.
※記得雙引號" "要保留, 如只是要關閉喚醒到步驟三即可)

4. Optional: You can use powercfg -deviceenablewake “device name” command to enable certain device to wake up your PC. You can find the name of the specific device by using the Device Manager.

方法來源: windows report - Milan Stanojevic(2016/05/09).
Prevent mouse from waking up in Windows 10 .


