
2020年8月7日 星期五

[ 軟體問題 ]如何隱藏我的USB隨身碟,使他可以當作開機碟但不在我的電腦中出現


  1. Go into the ‘Disk Management’ Administrative Tool. You should see two disks. One Disk will be the NVMe card with the Operating System Installed on it, which is the C: drive The other Disk will be the REFIND USB Drive – it will say DUET in the Disk title.
  2. Click on the Duet disk. Then right click on it and select the drive letter option. As campdublanc stated in one of his messages, you can remove the drive letter. This disk – Duet – will then be hidden, so someone else will not see it from the Windows Explorer, and cannot therefore accidently access it and corrupt it. You can always go back and see it in ‘Disk Management’ if there is a need for that.

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